Tuesday, November 23, 2010

JCFD responds to a House Trailer Fire -Nov. 22

Johnson City Fire Department units responded to a report of a structure fire at 205 BIG VALLEY DR #5O at 16:14 on November 22, 2010. Engine Company 9, the first arriving unit, found smoke coming from the structure and deployed a hose line to initiate fire attack through the front entrance. Crews worked to extinguish the fire, salvage property and control utilities.
The investigation determined that a frying pan, containing oil, was left unattended on the stove. When the resident returned from an errand, the kitchen and living area was on fire.  There were no reports of injuries. The American Red Cross responded to the scene and provided assistance to the occupant's family.


Incident Command: Lt. Lynn Peters


**A reminder to us all to be Safety Conscious. Cooking fires are one of the most common causes of residential structure fires**




Lt. Robert C. Johnson

Johnson City Fire Department

Fire Training Division




